
DeliverCon2024 logo - Welsh dragon riding the rocket into space! Top text - Cynhadledd Cyflawni 2024. Bottom text - Caerydd Ebrill 18fed 2024.


This time we were in Cardiff, thanks to Center for Public Digital Services Wales sponsoring the space.


We had 128 amazing individuals attend from 24 different organizations.


Session 1

Room Session
Main How do you address performance issues in your team without input from a line manager?
A How to deal with difficult stakeholders? (unwilling to co-operate / change)
B How secure are our jobs as delivery managers?
C How to speed up delivery in dependency heavy environments?

Session 2

Room Session
Main How de we convince SLT to implement agile?
A How to get team to work with differing neurodiversity needs, ie when in meetings / ceremonies?
B What does delivery management mean to you?
C How de we define and measure productivity in delivery?

Lighting Talks

Speaker Session
Louis Allgood (MoJ) Building Confidence in AI
Emily Miceli (IPO) Ownership Perfected in Weakness: Servant Leadership and Neurodiversity
Jack Carter Pearce (MadeTech) Marathon Training and Agile
Emma Morales (CDPS) My journey into Delivery so far - please can we be friends?
Eric Cheung (MadeTech) My dyslexia journey - 5 tips for delivering as a delivery manager
Rob Jones and Barry Traish (DWP) The X-Gov Delivery Manager Tripod Scheme

Session 3

Room Session
Main What advice would you give your younger self at the start of their deliver manager career?
A How can we run more services digitally without exponentially increasing the number of DDAT roles / people?
B How can AI make me a better delivery manager?
C How de we raise awareness of delivery management as a profession in the public sector?

Session 4

Room Session
Main How to build psychological safety in remote / hybrid teams?
A What is the future for delivery managers? (role diversity / skills?)
B How do we deliver successfully if the stakeholders don’t know what they want?
C How much impact would AI have in the future of diversity and inclusion work?

Session 5

Room Session
Main What new delivery models can we try?
A How can we deliver in a truly agile manner when governance processes aren’t aligned?
B How do I keep my remote team motivated?
C How do we implement an agile delivery framework in infrastructure?